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A Pressure Seal Self-Mailer that is designed to be laser printed, folded, sealed, and mailed in much less time than conventional printing and mailing processes using envelopes. It’s a one-piece sheet than when folded, becomes the envelope. That means no more envelopes to inventory, match, and stuff – which helps reduce labor and supply costs right away!
If your business issues paychecks, that is the first application to implement immediately for pressure seal mailers. If your business does direct mail programs, PSMailers are a sure way to get your mailing out faster and more efficiently.
Other applications include:
Making the move to these one-piece pressure sealed self mailers will help you:
Eliminate ordering/stocking envelopes
Eliminate the time it takes to stuff and seal envelopes
Reduce labor costs of both printing and mail processing
Increase versatility of document functions
Whether you use PSMailers® for payroll, accounts payable, business checks, direct mail, notices, report cards or one of the many other applications, you’ll see a difference almost immediately in cost savings, greater productivity, and more versatile document capabilities. You will soon discover why it pays to use PSMailers® pressure seal self mailers to cut costs and streamline everyday business tasks.